Study Tennessee
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The purpose of Study Tennessee, The Tennessee International Student Recruiting Consortium, is to promote internationally the quality and diversity of educational programs offered by Tennessee higher education institutions and accredited English programs. As more foreign countries actively promote their educational institutions abroad, the U.S. will have to become more proactive in marketing to international students who have more educational options. This consortium is an important step in helping Tennessee compete internationally. Study Tennessee is an entity of TAIE and operates under the auspices of TAIE.
To increase the name recognition of Tennessee and its schools.
To increase the number of international students enrolling at Tennessee institutions, both online & in person.
To facilitate partnerships between Tennessee and schools abroad.
To foster communication between institutions.
To capitalize upon the services and support of State and Federal agencies.
Membership in Study Tennessee is open to all fully and regionally accredited two-year and four-year higher education institutions in Tennessee, as well as accredited English language programs. Member institutions will designate one person as an institutional representative with voting privileges to represent the institution’s interest to Study Tennessee.
Board Members
Stephanie Seiggreen, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Ahmed Abdelrahman, Maryville College, Maryville
Todd Beard, Lipscomb University, Nashville
Activities include attending international education fairs such as Study USA, NAFSA Annual Conference and Expo, NAFSA Region VII, ICEF, coordinating domestic events to introduce international student advisers to Tennessee college campuses, creating and maintaining consortium marketing materials (web site and brochures as examples), and establishing connections with the U.S. Commercial Service and American embassies overseas.
Recruitment: Develop an exchange student pipeline; advertise in international education publications
Marketing: Produce and distribute print and media materials
Web: Maintain webpages, recruit student bloggers; social media
Membership: Update member lists; create list-serv
Governance Documents
Click here to access the Study Tennessee By-Laws